Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Where is ‘Home Sweet Home’ for you?

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

“Boy, if I just put my shoulder to the grindstone and stick with it I know I can make it through this struggle in my life. I absolutely refuse to let it gain the upper hand!”

Have you ever invested blood, sweat and tears in an effort to do,
for yourself, what only grace was able to do for you? 
I’m not able to ask for a show of hands but I am guessing that is most of us.
We go after, in our own strength, a victory that can only be won by the grace of God.
Why is it that we read the Word of God, claiming to believe it and understand it, and yet persist in trying to accomplish on our own, work best left to the Spirit of God?
Paul addresses this question and speaks of the boasting we might engage in if we are able to get the credit. It is deeper, though, than just awarding bragging rights – it goes to the heart of how we view God and our need for Him.
You see, if I get the credit it is a very short trip to the land of self-reliance where I no longer recognize what God alone can do.
As a believer I should always be looking for opportunities where God gets all the credit – not you or me.
Do you see where that leads us?
It takes us beyond our comfort zone.
It takes us beyond the place where it is within our capacity, our ability and our talent. 
It takes us to a place of dependence on God.
Are you in that place of dependence or do you live in the land of self-reliance?
Which one do you call home?

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