Monday, May 28, 2012

Remaining in His Love

 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
John 15:9

Unleaded gasoline is the fuel for most automobiles.
Refrigerants are what ‘fuel’ the ‘cold’ in your air conditioner.
Your leg muscles are the primary source of power when you pedal a bicycle.
According to the Bible we are to love one another.  
So what is the fuel for that?
The answer is – Jesus’ love for us.
But it is not enough just knowing that.
The gasoline that fuels my car is of no use to me when my tank is empty and the fuel is in an underground tank.
My air conditioner will just blow hot air until it is charged with refrigerant and my bike is stationary, resting uselessly on its kick-stand until I get on and begin to pedal.
The love of Jesus is, in some ways, just a wonderful ‘concept’ unless or until I am abiding in the vine.
In other words, as Jesus said, I must remain in His love.
I must stay connected to the one whose love has the ability to love others through me.
His love can cause me to love the unlovely, the ungrateful, even my enemies.
But if I do not remain in His love, I am in danger of becoming that resounding gong or clanging cymbal spoken of so eloquently by the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth.
Said another way – I am all talk and no love!
The danger in that is when people expect the love of God from me and only hear empty words, sadly, it reflects not only on me but particularly on the Lord.
Sad to say it becomes a case of guilt by association.
Because I am all talk and no love they begin to think the same of the Lord.
When you name His Name, you represent Him.
So I remain in His love not only to have that love flow through me but also in so doing I will bring glory and honor to His name!
Remain in His love!

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