Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Living From Gods’ Priorities

 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.”  
Matthew 6:33

Repeating our point from Tuesday: If you want to develop a life of love then what you
need to do is continually develop a life of self-discipline.
There are some specific ways that you can do this.
 We will look at some of these over the next three days.
The first, while obvious, is still something we must continually remind ourselves-
You live your life by living from God’s priorities, not life’s pressures.
Obvious yes, but, easier said than done, isn’t it?
Some might argue: “Well, it is easy!”
But the truth is that life has a way of applying pressure every day in each of our lives.
The unexpected emergency, the sick child that keeps you home from work, the flat tire on the way to an appointment you were already late for, the totally unreasonable deadline you are given by your boss and the list goes on and on and on…
Each of these pressures can quickly crowd out the best of intentions in making God and His kingdom our first and most important priority. 
You know that’s true because you’ve experienced one of those days recently.
So what did you do?
Without a doubt, your sick child needed you at home that day, but once there were you angry at him and blaming him for missing that deadline at work or did you take the time to pray and ask God to heal your child and help you to be His love and witness despite the change in your plans?
We can be sure of this – when we make God our priority and not the guaranteed pressures of life – He will come and strengthen you, equip you for all of the surprises and best of all, He will not leave you or forsake you in the midst of the pressures of life. 

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