Thursday, May 24, 2012

What are You Waiting For?

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
II Peter 1:3

If God and His kingdom are to be your number one priority,
who do you suppose is number two?
Quite simply, it’s other people.
There was a common acrostic for the word “joy” I used to see often, many years ago, that conveyed a similar thought:
Basically, it was teaching that the greatest joy was derived by serving in the order of the word; i.e. serving Jesus first, others second and yourself last.
The same can be said of us as we desire to develop that life of love.
We should make God and people the top two priorities of our life.
Suppose we all actually did that.
What do you think would happen to the divorce rate?
What of child abuse and crime in general?
Making God and others our top priority would impact society in remarkable ways.
When I live in such a way that pleasing God is my most important endeavor (and others do likewise) the change to our world would be profound, wouldn’t you agree?
So what are you waiting for?
Someone else to start because you say you can’t do it alone?
You are not alone.
He never leaves you or forsakes you and has already given you all that you need!
Today’s verse says: “…everything we need…” to live a godly life has been given to us.
So, I’ll ask you again:
What are you waiting for?

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