Monday, May 21, 2012

“Finding” God

 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
Reading the verse above it is implied that it is possible to seek God with a half-hearted approach.
Perhaps it can be illustrated or comparable (in some small way) to you having a very serious conversation with someone who is not totally engaged in what you are saying.
Suppose you spoke a deep secret of your heart to another person only to note their attention is divided.
Imagine if they were listening to you with one ear and the other ear is tuned to a favorite song on the radio.
How would that make you feel?
A divided love is a diluted love.
God does not love you and me with a divided heart.
His love for us is beyond our comprehension and yet we sometimes seek Him only when we find ourselves in trouble and then just as the proverbial “Get-out-of-Jail-Free Card”.
Someone somewhere coined the phrase “In it to win it” and I think of that expression when it comes to seeking God.
I am not speaking of that initial moment when God saves us as we recognize our sin condition and our need for Him. I am instead speaking of that life-long pursuit of God.
He is the ultimate “prize” (please understand I use that term with great respect).
There simply is no higher calling any of us can aspire to than to seek and know God. 
You may ask, “But, isn’t the greatest command to love God?”
Yes, it is; and I would suggest to you, that those who love Him seek Him.
They seek Him with all they have to offer.
Everything in them MUST find Him.
It is not a half-hearted pursuit of God.
The Psalmist described it well in Psalm 42:1 when he declared:
“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”
Water is more than just a refreshing drink.
Water is essential for life.
So too is God – essential for their life.
He is essential for those who seek Him with all their heart.
 To that man or woman there is no other pursuit that matters. 
Are you seeking after God with all your heart?
If you are, read that verse above again and remember that there is no greater joy available than finding Him!

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