Friday, June 17, 2016

Keep On Keeping On

Today’s blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

And He was amazed at their unbelief.  Then Jesus went from village to village, teaching the people. (Mark 6:6)

As we learned this week, we all experience rejection, but what we do afterwards is the key.  Are we going to deal with the rejection biblically (remain confident in our value before God) and move on or dwell on rejection and retreat?

What did Jesus do after being rejected by His hometown and even His own relatives?  He moved on.

He didn’t let it derail Him from his purpose.  He was confident in His identity as God’s son.

After being rejected, Jesus could have said “why bother if my own family won’t believe me.”  Or, He could have let the rejection cause Him to question His own destiny and calling.

But instead, the bible says he “went.”  He continued doing what God called Him to do.

He knew that being rejected by man did not mean He was rejected by God.  Quite the contrary.  As Jesus proved, rejection from man can often occur when you are right in the middle of God’s will.

If we let rejection rule us, we will become like chameleons, changing our colors to blend in and avoid exposing ourselves to further hurt.

Don’t change your colors.  Be who God has called you to be.

Choose to love yourself because God loves you.  Look at yourself through His eyes.  When you do, you see someone who is valued and loved eternally.

So, when rejection comes, don’t let it stop you.  Make the choice to keep on keeping on.

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