Monday, June 6, 2016

‘Demo’ Day?

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,

just as in fact you are doing.”

 I Thessalonians 5:11

Building something up takes time and effort.

Whether it is a person or a castle in the sand.

The difference is in the results.

The sand castle disappears with the next tide or rainfall but the person you have

taken the time to build up may be the next Joseph, Moses or David.

It is an investment well worth taking.

I often observe people mocking or tearing down another individual because of

some real or supposed defect in their personality.

It is always easier to tear down than to build up.

If you enjoy watching any of those home repair shows it seems everyone’s favorite day

is ‘demo day’, the day they get to tear things down and rip things out.

Some people enjoy doing that in other people’s lives.

We are commanded to do just the opposite.

Let the love of the Father rule and reign in your heart and let it be evidenced

by your words and your actions toward others.

On demo day an entire room can be demolished in very short order.

So too, the trajectory of one’s life by our words and our actions.

Take the time today, use the resources God has given you to encourage and build someone up.

The opportunities are abundant when you are looking to do that.

Don’t demo someone’s life – build them up and encourage them!

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