Tuesday, June 28, 2016

But, but, but...

“...now is the accepted time...”

II Corinthians 6:2


“But I’m too busy to pray”

Now is the accepted time!

“I’m in the middle of a lot of changes, it’s not a good time to surrender my life”

Now is the accepted time!

“I have my own problems, how can I help them?”

Now is the accepted time!

“Can’t it wait, I just wanted some ‘me’ time?

Now is the accepted time!

We all get busy.

We all get frazzled and frustrated at times.

But sometimes, in the middle of those moments comes God’s accepted time.

It is a call to lay down our own interests and respond to His.

Not tomorrow, next week or even the vague response “Later.”

God calls us to an accepted time, a moment He has determined for His call and our obedience.

We can put it off or we can lay aside other things and say “Yes. Lord!”

Are you being called to such a moment?

Have you prepared your response?

Is it: “But, but , but”

or is it:

“Yes Lord”

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