Friday, June 24, 2016

A Pearl of Great Value

Today’s blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

And upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:46)

I have often read the above verse in the context of us finding something of great value (our Heavenly Father) and then giving up everything to follow Him with all our heart.

But I’ve also heard the above verse explained this way….

Our heavenly Father so valued you and I that He gave up something of great value (His only begotten son) by allowing Him to leave the halls of heaven and come to earth as a man where He then laid down His life so that He could purchase our salvation for all eternity.

When we desire something, we often buy it.

God desired you so much so that He went to great lengths to purchase you.  No cost was too high.  He paid with His very life.  That’s how much He values you.

And there was no buyer’s remorse with God.  After He purchased you, He called you His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).  Mona Lisa, move over.

The next time you find yourself struggling with feelings of low self-worth, remember that you are a pearl of great value in God’s eyes.

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