Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Who’s Your Daddy?

‘For in him we live and move and have our being...we are His offspring’
Acts 17:28
I have some acquaintances whose sons seem to be exact reproductions of their father.
Walk into a room full of people and you would have absolutely no problem matching these boys up with their dad.
We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are Gods’ offspring.
We should ‘look’ like Him, we should ‘sound’ like Him and we should ‘behave’ like Him.
Do people know you are His offspring by your looks, your words and your behavior?
Do you live, move and have your being in Him?
Or do they scratch their head and say “Who’s your daddy?”
To be fair we are all a work in progress but even in a construction zone you should be able to see progress on the skyscraper as it is being built.
If I claim to be a child of God then as the years go by I should look more and more like my Father in heaven.
 Do you love greater today than you did last year?
Is compassion more evident in your life now than it was in your past?
Are you growing in His grace or becoming a grumpy old man?
These are fair questions to challenge yourself with.  
Can others ‘pick you out’ as God’s offspring?

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