Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Like Minded

“…have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 2:5b
Was that Christ like behavior from you at the office today?
It wasn’t?
Did you notice the unspoken thoughts that preceded the behavior?
The point is this –
Until your ‘pre-Christ’ mindset is replaced with the mind of Christ your life will produce un-Christ like behavior.
So maybe it wasn’t an office.
Maybe it was at home, in the factory, at school or in the store.
The ‘mindset’ you have produces the behavior you deliver.
Mindset is defined as – an established systems of thoughts, values, beliefs and desires that have become a way of systematic thinking that produces your behavior.
In Jesus Christ we can actually see the mindset of the Father and the behaviors that mindset produced.
So often, in our desire to be like Jesus we try to model the behaviors without the renewed mindset.
That leads to frustration and a poor witness.
Our thoughts and our behaviors are connected and we cannot change behavior without first changing our mind.
We do not change it to any old wind or wave of doctrine.
We think on the same things Jesus thought about.
You will find those thoughts revealed throughout the scriptures.
You will find it in communion with Him!

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