Wednesday, November 25, 2015

His Grace Remains Sufficient!

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7

How did you receive Christ Jesus as Lord?
Was it through works or grace?
We know it was through His grace.
And that is how we are to continue to live our lives in Him.
With His continued grace applied to our lives.
It’s not by praying a sinner’s prayer and then returning to same-old, same-old.
When I plant a flower from seed it is not instantly rooted nor is it fully developed and fully grown.
Among other things, it takes time.
As time passes though, my need for His grace does not cease.
It is an essential ingredient in being rooted and built up in Him.
Try overflowing with thankfulness, as the scripture above tells us to be, without any on-going recognition and reliance on the grace of God.
If we rely on works, why do we need to thank God – after all it is our own effort that God us where we are!
That is the mindset that develops in one who may have started out by grace but then believes it is his or her effort that keeps them walking with the Lord.
The scripture teaches us that His grace is sufficient.
When we believe our works are what is keeping us we are instead declaring that His grace is deficient.
Thank Him for His work of grace in you.
Not just the day you committed your life to Him but also for the grace working in you today!

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