Friday, August 22, 2014

“Pray without Ceasing”

“Pray without ceasing.”
I Thessalonians 5:17
The command given above is pretty straightforward.
Obedience to it is another thing altogether.
Need something to pray about?
Sometimes our prayer time can become quite self-absorbed.
The petitions coming from our prayer closet can be filled with only I, me and mine.
Is this wrong?
It can be if that is all we pray about.
There is a world of needs waiting to be brought before God.
Here are just a few to get us started –
Pray for the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini from Iranian prison.
Pray for our leaders to make wise decisions that honor God.
Pray for those entangled in human trafficking – both the victims and the traffickers.
Pray for your city and its leaders.
Pray for the school down the street or around the corner.
(You need not have children in the school to lift it up before God.)
Pray for the church to shake off any distractions, rising up to honor God in her actions.
I am sure the Holy Spirit will impress other needs as you pray.
It’s time to press in…

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