Thursday, August 14, 2014

A ‘Kodak Moment’ of Faith

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:18-19

We moved into our present home in 1994.
I remember well some of the events of moving day that Memorial Day
week-end 20 years ago.
We were leaving the first home we had purchased back in 1983.
I will admit, though, I was a bit surprised by my wife’s tears that day.
After all weren’t we making a move to a much newer, larger home that would better serve our family?
What was there to be sad about?
But her ‘sadness’ was not associated with what we were moving forward to but what we were leaving behind.
While in that home our son was born and we watched him grow from birth to age nine.
We had welcomed our foster daughter into our family and saw a house capable of holding two bursting as we tried to hold four.
What had served our purposes in the past would not do so in the future.
Sure, it was a bittersweet day but we couldn’t know then what doors God would open for us in the future as we moved from one place to another.
Change often demands that we move – not from the uncomfortable – but from the comfortable. It means we may be required to move from a place of Gods’ blessing and favor to a place of Gods’ greater blessings and favor.
Here’s the clincher though.
We can look back easily and see those blessings and favor.
It requires faith and trust in God to see it looking forward.
Who of us hasn’t looked back at photos of a happy moment in our past and smiled remembering the moment.
Technology cannot deliver the same for our future.
But trust in God can.
He holds that future.
Are you facing change?
I want you, through prayer, to place that future change in His hands and let that be your ‘Kodak Moment’ of faith.
See the future, when it is placed in His hands, as a host of good memories not yet experienced!

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