Wednesday, May 28, 2014


“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
Psalm 32:8

Did you have a particular subject in school that was more difficult to learn?
For me it was math.
I could understand it but it did not come easy.
I needed more time and more instruction than many.
I dreaded those word equations, where a train left Chicago at 10:00 a.m. and another one left New York at 1:00 p.m, etc…
Remember those?
I was particularly grateful for the teachers who took the time, had the patience and talked me through those problems until I got it.
Imagine if you were in a class of your most challenging subject.
It just didn’t come easy and you knew the only way you would get through it was with a teacher’s assistance.
Now imagine that teacher never uttered a word once they had given the assignment.
No help, no encouragement, no further assistance.
How hard would that be?
Pretty difficult, I’d say!
And yet that is exactly how some believe God responds to us.
He created us and then left us on our own.
No instruction, no guidance, no talking!
Like we are in some grand universal library and God is the Librarian shushing us to silence!
That is not who are heavenly Father is.
He loves us dearly and wants to guide us through life by His Holy Spirit.
He wants to speak to us.
He is speaking to us.
He will help you through every part of your life – difficult or not.
Do you have ears to hear?
Help me to understand that you are not a distant, remote God.
You are my loving heavenly Father.
You love me with an everlasting love.
It is your heart to speak to me.
Not once in a lifetime.
Not only at the rough patches, but moment-by-moment throughout my life.
Help me to hear your voice.
In Jesus Name.

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