Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Gift For You

“On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.”
Acts 1:4
We tolerate, we accept or we embrace the Holy Spirit.
Let’s look at all three of those words.
Tolerate is defined as:
To allow something that is bad or unpleasant to exist, happen or be done.
Hardly a ringing endorsement, is it?
Yet that is how much of the church ‘handles’ the Holy Spirit.
We tolerate only because we ‘have too’!
Accept is defined as:
To receive or take something offered.
Acceptance of the Holy Spirit sounds a tad better than tolerating Him wouldn’t you agree?
And yet…
Embrace is defined as:
to take up especially readily or gladly.
Now we may be on to something.
There is gladness and eagerness evident when we embrace the Holy Spirit.
It is beyond tolerance, beyond acceptance all the way to an eager gladness and anticipation.
Jesus told the disciples:
“…wait for the gift my Father promised…”
The Holy Spirit is a gift from the Father to each and every believer.
 With that in mind I would ask the same question I asked in closing yesterday’s blog.
Will you tolerate, accept or embrace this gift from the Father?

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