Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A 100 Year Orientation

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God
has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14
Let me ask you something.
What are you looking forward to most in heaven?
Some may answer: “I can’t wait to be reunited with loved ones.”
Still others will say: “To live in the mansion prepared just for me.”
And of course: “I can’t wait to walk and talk with Jesus!”
I’ve always found that question hard to answer.
In some ways, I used to think there might be something like a 100 year orientation.
Think about this: what are the dearest and most precious moments you have spent with the Holy Spirit in Gods’ presence?
Multiply that by 10,000 times and imagine it not ending – that is what heaven will be.
To be with the Lord, in His very presence, through eternity!
 So here’s another question – Do you think God wants to walk with us now in unbroken fellowship?
I believe He does.
You might call that ‘heaven on earth’.
We don’t have to wait for the ‘sweet bye-and-bye’.
As a matter of fact His desire is that we might be His image in the earth.
The more time you and me spend in fellowship with Him the clearer His image shines through us.  
Now certainly heaven is a very real place and a very real reward for those who love Him.
But that is in no way diminished when we draw ever nearer to Him while here on earth.
If you agree that it will take eternity to know Him, then why wait?
Spend some time in His presence today.
Not only will you be blessed but so too will everyone you interact with.
That is how life-changing it is to be in His presence!
You can start working on that 100 year orientation today.

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