Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Milk or Meat?

“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!”
Hebrews 5:12
My son, who in a few weeks will be thirty years old, had joined my parents and I for a Saturday
morning trip out for breakfast when he was about three.
I am not sure exactly how the conversation wound up where it did but he began to cry when he was told (and shown!) that grandpa had no teeth.
His toothless grin was not a concern to my siblings and I because he had had his teeth removed in the early 1960’s and so we were simply accustomed to our toothless Dad.
It took some convincing on our part but Aaron finally accepted the fact that grandpa was not in great pain and was able to eat just fine.
There were some challenges for him though.
Apples, a thick steak, and similar foods were a tad bit rough for him to tackle.
When I recall that story I often wonder how God views us when we should be capable of handling solid food but must have the Word ‘pureed’ in order for us to receive it.
As we consider spiritual maturity there is indeed a time for a diet of only milk.
Any parent understands that.
But normal development means an infant eventually ‘graduates’ or ‘matures’ and moves from the “milk only” nourishment on to solid foods.
The writer of Hebrews speaks of this as it related to our spiritual development.
It is a measure we ought to take of ourselves as well.
Are you capable of feeding yourself or do you always and only need Gods’ Word fed to you?
You may still be on milk.
When you have a question or a problem is it always and only someone else who has the answer or can you dig in the Word and search it out for yourself?
Milk, meat or somewhere in-between?
It is a measurement we all need to review from time to time in our lives.
Milk or meat?

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