Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pop, Pop, Pop

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,
and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.
For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”
Luke 6:45
Most of you have probably seen those large popcorn machines at movie theatres.
They pop the corn and send the buttery aroma throughout the theatre.
The attendant will fill the suspended metal pan with popcorn kernels and oil and then turn up the heat to complete the magic!
As you watch, the popping corn slowly fills up the pan until the lid is unable to contain the abundance of popcorn so it spills over the sides of the pan into the transparent popcorn machines container.
When I think of today’s scripture that movie theatre popcorn machine comes to mind.
A little heat is applied to our lives and our words, like the popcorn, come bursting forth out of our mouth based on the abundance of what is in our heart.  
You have probably heard the words – or spoken them yourself – “Oh, I’m sorry; I really didn’t mean to say that.” Right after a string of unguarded words streamed out of the mouth much like the popcorn pouring over the side of the pan.
You, and the person at the receiving end of those words, know very well that, whether you meant to or not, they just heard your true feelings expressed.
You see, what popped out of your mouth was a kernel of the ‘truth’ that was in your heart!   
Sorry, today is so corny!
But it’s true.
Our words offer a picture of our heart condition.
 Fear or faith; sooner or later what is on the inside will be expressed.
Those ‘expressed’ words will be very revealing.
Not to God – He already and always knows our hearts – but to us.
Use that revelation to ask God to deal with any areas that need it in your own life or to pray for others as their words reveal their hearts.

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