Monday, June 17, 2013

A Heart Set Ablaze!

“I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove
from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 11:19
God really wants to set your heart on fire for Him.
That may look different in each one of us.
He knows what, in each of our individual lives, may be present that can douse the flames of passion for Him.
Perhaps it’s another person, maybe a career or it may just be material things.
You see there is much that can and does divide the affections of our heart.
A divided heart is not a devoted heart.
We must set aside the other things that so easily entice us away from Christ being the center of our lives.  
Does that mean we don’t have any other people in our lives, we quit working and we own nothing?
 It does mean that we are sold out to Him.
He takes first place.
When that happens we gain a perspective we did not have before concerning those other people and things.
We have been taught to compartmentalize our lives and multi-task throughout the day.
Jesus didn’t multi-task or compartmentalize.
His only desire was to do the will of the Father.
Every aspect of His life, every ‘appointment’ He kept was to see that accomplished.
His was an undivided heart.
His was a heart set ablaze with love for the Father.
Lord we ask for that heart set on fire for you.
We ask for that heart ablaze and passionately in love with you.
May it be so in each who reads these words.
We ask this in Jesus Name.

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