Tuesday, June 16, 2015

You Want Me to Go Where?

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”
Matthew 4:1
Are you still having trouble with the sentence above?
Yesterday we looked at our own resistance to being ‘led’ by anyone but ourselves.
But Matthew 4:1 holds much more that we often find difficult to deal with.
For instance…
“…into the wilderness…”
“I’ll follow you anywhere Lord!”
That’s what we say.
But too often what we mean is I’ll follow you anywhere convenient and pleasant.
Mountaintops are o.k. but valleys and wilderness’ are strictly off limits.
That’s where I stop following!
We live as if every day of our lives ought to be spent in an amusement park.
I’ve been to our local amusement parks and still haven’t found the
 “Take Up Your Cross” ride.
It probably would be a short line anyway.
All kidding aside, sometimes we are led where we need to go but not where we want to go.
In those times, do you stop following?
The truth is whether we know the Lord or not our lives will face difficult seasons of loss, heartache and pain.
So ask yourself this question:
If I find myself in the wilderness is it a place I want to try to navigate on my own or would it be better to follow His lead?
Somehow phrasing it that way makes the question much easier to answer.
Jesus was led into the wilderness.
But it was not His flesh, His family or His fear leading Him.
He was led by the Holy Spirit.
Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and you will never be led astray!

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