Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Because of Me…

“Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Mark 13:13
You love the Lord.
You know He loves you.
You have walked with Him and He has blessed your life.
Yours is not a problem free life but you know what it is to walk with God.
Perhaps, for all of those reasons, we sometimes miss the import of the words above.
Jesus said: “Everyone will hate you because of me…”
He was speaking to His disciples of the last days.
When you truly live for God, the animosity of others towards you is because in you dwells the Light of the World.
Scripture tells us that men love the darkness because their deeds are evil. (John 3:19)
In a world corrupted by sin, light is not welcome.
Jesus is not welcome.
It is not because of a ‘doctrine’ we hold.
It is not because of a position contrary to that held by the majority.
It is not our opposition to ‘this or that’.
Jesus said plainly, “…it is because of me…”
Now, to be sure, we haven’t always done a very good job of reflecting Jesus to the world.
But Jesus Himself certainly showed the Father’s love and most rejected Him, ultimately crucifying Him.
What is my point?
It is a spiritual war we are in and we do not war against flesh and blood.
We are to love those who persecute us.
We are to love our enemies.
How different is that from what often takes place?
Let’s personalize that question:
How different is that from what often takes place in our own life?
They don’t agree, we want to slug them!
They don’t ‘appreciate’ the Light – well they we can force or legislate the Light on them.
How about we recognize the spiritual battle we are in and love those bound in darkness.
How about we pray for their eyes to be opened?
We know God loves them and wants them to be set free.
That is a prayer He would love to hear and answer.
We don’t pray that prayer often enough!

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