Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Changed Mind

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:”
Philippians 2:5
You’ve heard it said or perhaps you know someone just like it: a couple who have been married so long that they can finish one another’s sentences.
How do they do that?
How is that possible?
Well, they’ve spent many years in one another’s company.
They know what their spouses like and dislike.
They know their opinions, routines and habits,
They know how to push the right buttons or the best way to encourage.
Having the same mindset as Christ Jesus comes in much the same way.
We spend time in His Word, in His Presence, in obedience to His direction and leading.
As we continue in this the Holy Spirit is doing a transformative work on our mind.
The Psalmist wrote:
Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Perhaps, in reading that verse, you thought that God comes round to your way of thinking.
The opposite is true.
As I grow in my love and knowledge of Him, it is the desires of my heart that begin to change.
My desire is to please Him.
To do and say those things that bring Him honor and glory; just as Jesus desired to bring honor and glory to His Father in heaven.
That is the mindset of Christ Jesus we are to have!

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