Monday, January 26, 2015

Unclogged Arteries

Today's blog post is from Denise Friedman:

We have been talking about love in our church.  Not head love, the love that comes expectations and strings attached.  Instead, heart love, the love that loves those even when it doesn’t make sense.  The love that loves others who have hurt us.  The love that loves others who can not or will not love us in return.  Our prayer focus this week is To open my heart to God as never before.

How do we open our hearts to God?  One way to do this is to obey Holy Spirit.  Is there an area of life which you are currently living in rebellion to God?  Take a few minutes and God to reveal what might be in your heart that is “blocking” the opening.   Is it pride, unforgiveness, lust, anger, insecurity, anxiety? Truly identify what exactly needs to be removed to allow your heart to be open to God. Although this might be a painful process, God already knows what the blockage is and He is ready to remove it!

 Consider this – if we discover we have a blocked artery, what do we do about it?  Do we ignore it, continuing to do what we have been doing?  Hopefully not! Once the doctor had identified the problem, we may undergo a medical procedure to “clear” the blockage, then we may need to take medicine and/or change our diet so our arteries remain open.

Today, God wants to be your physician.  He wants to clear your “arteries” to open your heart to Him as never before.  Are you willing to undergo the necessary “surgery”?

Father, I ask you today to reveal to me the areas I am not living in obedience to Holy Spirit.  Please help me to remove these areas from my life so that you can show yourself to me in a more powerful way than ever before.  I ask this is the precious name of Jesus, amen!

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.  The one who love me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.

John 14:21

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