Friday, August 30, 2013

Smiling or Frowning?

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”
Ephesians 4:30
The words 'do not'; what do they say to you?
They are a command.
They also tell me it is possible to grieve the Holy Spirit.
How do we do that?
Is it when we violate the 10 commandments?
Is it when we hate our neighbor?
Yes it is, but it is more than that.
At its simplest, grieve is defined as: To cause to suffer; sorrow?
Do my actions or my thoughts cause sorrow for the Holy Spirit?
I’m remembering those lessons about sins of commission and sins of omission.
Not only what I do that misses the mark but also what I fail to do can grieve the Holy Spirit.
The incredibly good news of the cross, that the price for our sin has been paid, does not remove the sorrow, the grieving of the Holy Spirit any time we sin.
So what do I do?
I repent, and in so doing, that intimate fellowship
with God through His Holy Spirit is restored.  
Maybe it seems childish to think this way but let me ask a question:
Right now, is the Holy Spirit smiling or frowning based on your behavior?

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