Thursday, August 22, 2013

No Need To Wait

“The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.”
Psalm 14:2

How hungry are you for God?
Are you hungry enough to seek Him more than one day a week?
Are you hungry enough for God that you don’t leave the seeking of Him to others?
I can’t substantiate this statistically but I suspect it may be true.
I believe that God ‘shows up’ far more often in individuals’ prayer closets than He does at the latest ‘How-To Be A Super-Christian’ conference.
For the record, I am not at all opposed to conferences or those who attend them.
But the man or woman who is truly hungry for God will, more often than not, find Him closer than the large city convention center.
He is there with you now as you read this.
You won’t need flight arrangements made to find Him.
He is closer than your breath.
You won’t even need the latest and greatest ‘star’ in the Kingdom to point Him out to you.
Can you feel His presence?
He is all around you.
What’s He waiting for?
That you would understand He is always there with you.
He keeps His word.
He will never leave you, He will never forsake you.
You don’t have to wait until next Sunday.
You don’t need someone else to give you permission.
He is waiting with you to hear your voice.
Talk with Him now.   
Seek Him now.
No need to wait.
No need to travel to some distant location.

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