Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I’ll Leave That to Someone Called to It!

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end,
that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”
Luke 18:1
Ask someone what they do for a living today and a simple response like
 “I am in Information Technology” or “I am an engineer” or “I am a doctor”
just doesn’t seem to adequately answer the question.
The world is all about specialization.
IT, Engineering, medicine are broad fields filled with all kinds of specialized skill sets.
For example; there are civil engineers, electrical engineers, aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, etc…
I think we sometimes try to fit that same culture into the church to the detriment of the mission we are called to.
Intercessor, prayer warrior, etc…
The problem with that thinking is that it can lead to an abdication of every believer’s responsibility to pray.
“I don’t need to pray about that, the intercessors have it covered!”
Don’t misunderstand me.
There are gifts given to individuals for the benefit of the whole church.
But prayer is never meant to be the role of a select few.
We are told the purpose of the parable found in Luke 18 was to bring the understanding that men ought always to pray.
Not just a few men, not just a select, not just when trouble strikes.
Prayer is essential to each one who calls themselves a follower of Christ.  
I know that may seem fundamental to most but sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the fundamentals or we will stray from them.
The 1st Century church understood this but the truth was lost to many during the Dark Ages.  
You and I are called to pray.
In that time of prayer you just might hear some marching orders for the day!

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