Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Watching Over His Word

“The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly,
for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
Jeremiah 1:12

From Genesis to Malachi the Old Testament is filled with prophetic references to Jesus. Among other things it spoke of his physical appearance, his ministry, where he would be born and how he would die.
There are glimpses, symbols and types of him from the time of creation forward.
Jesus could look to the Law and the Prophets to know the Father’s plans for Him.
He often did.
On occasion He quoted those verses to those who were listening to Him.
Because the prophetic record was so clear to Him, He knew how and when He would surrender His life. Through the three years of ministry there were times when others sought to take Him by force or to kill Him. But because He knew His time had not yet come or the manner in which they sought to kill Him was not what was spoken through the prophets; there was an assurance to Him and protection for Him.
He lived His life to do the will of the Father.

Do you face difficulties and perhaps even threats of death
while holding on to that same assurance?
I am not talking about situations you may have created that cause others to seek your life. Instead, I am talking about that protection we find when we are hidden in the will of God and have yet to fulfill all the words He has spoken to us.
My life has a purpose.
Your life has a purpose.
Find it and fulfill it with the assurance that God is watching over His word in your life to see that it is fulfilled.
Jesus said on the cross: “It is finished”.
Sometimes when we struggle or face a setback we think to ourselves: “I am finished.” Jesus’ focus was not on Himself but on the work that His Father gave Him to do.
It was ‘It’ and not ‘I’ that was finished.
Let God’s words and purposes for your life focus and protect you in the same way.
How can we say that Jesus was protected and yet He died on the cross?
Because we know it was God’s will for Him to die for you and I.
God protected Jesus in order to bring Him to the cross.
He will protect you so that you may finish your work too.

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