Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And He Walks With Me and He Talks With Me!

“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.”
Psalm 40:5

If you are just joining us here at “Choose the River” we are taking a look this week at some of the testimonies shared on Christmas day at ‘His Place’. W rejoiced to have an opportunity to give God the glory as some shared the things God has done in their lives in 2011. Below is another of the testimonies that was shared:

“2011 started with fear. Our youngest son lost his home through addictions and we feared for his life as 2011 began. Adult children remain babies in our heart and we want to protect them from the world. Christ intervened and much like the prodigal son in the book of Luke I had to let him go much like Christ does with me. My grief showed me how much I grieve Christ through my actions because he loves me more deeply than I love my son.
I was sad in the spring when a dear friend passed away but I recalled him telling me how he stood here at the altar in His Place and experienced the arms of Christ embracing him. I was able to see Christ reaching out with his comfort for him and also for me.
An early bible study we had that suggested we “walk across the room” stayed as a burden with me through this year – why can’t I reach out to more of the people of my community? Not to have a bigger fellowship but to open eyes of neighbors to a relationship with Jesus that he longs for and we all dismiss to one degree or another.
In late summer our studies of Prophetic Ministry led me deeper into a relationship with the Spirit of God. While I knew and believed the prophetic was a gift of the Holy Spirit, I believed it was a gift for someone else and not me. Little did I know what was about to happen - only recently. My wife traveled with me during a business trip two weeks ago and we took time to investigate a time share type investment. It looked great and we could pass ownership to our son as a future gift. We agreed to the deal and I fell asleep that night contented.
In the middle of the night I awoke with a prophetic dream imprinted in me. Shirley & I were in the lower section of a building, warm, safe and at peace. A boom over our head made us walk upstairs where we found a tree that had crashed through a roof and was lying on the floor that was above us. Below everything was still warm, safe and peaceful but rain was entering around the tree. The interpretation was given to me – disaster was coming to our safety, peace and warmth unless we acted now. The next day we canceled the investment and last Friday we returned home, meeting my boss after landing. The news was bad. My job was being cut that very day. Medical coverage would be ended on December 31 and my wife’s diabetic supplies would no longer be covered and there would no longer be a pay check.
There is not enough time to explain everything but Christ leads me and comforts me and protects me. It is often said we walk alone in life but with my wife at my side we walk with Christ as our guide, our comforter and our Lord.

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