Monday, December 12, 2011

Speaking For a Purpose

“A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, but a mocker does not respond to rebukes.”
Proverbs 13:1

Did your parents ever utter the phrase: “I’m not talking just to hear myself speak!”?
It was usually said because there was an expectation on their part that their words would be acted on by you.
The same is true with our heavenly Father.
He doesn’t talk to you just to hear Himself speak.
When he speaks a word to you, no matter how those words may be delivered, it is expected that we would seek to understand and obey. When those words were spoken by our parents, usually it was for our good and to our benefit to listen.
How much more so when your Creator talks with you?
He has formed you for His purposes and with a good plan for your life.
He speaks, at times, to direct, encourage and correct us concerning those plans.
The greatest way to honor and esteem the words God speaks is obedience to them. Imagine the welfare of a child who never obeyed the instructions, given out of love, from their father. Instead of staying away from the stove they are burned. Instead of looking both ways before crossing the street they are struck by a car. Rather than return home at the directed hour they break curfew and end up influenced by the wrong crowd. Our earthy parents speak out of past experiences and lessons learned the hard way; but our heavenly Father speaks out of His infinite wisdom.
Make a new, fresh commitment to God this week that however He may speak to you, whether through His Word, through a prophetic utterance, by the Holy Spirit of God bearing witness in your spirit; you will be quick to seek His understanding and obey Him!

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