Monday, December 19, 2011

A Day Like Any Other?

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much..."
Luke 16:10a

Interesting thing about David.
Nowhere prior to I Samuel 17 do his fellow countrymen know of him as a giant killer or hero of Israel. Verse 20 of that chapter tells us how his day began: "Early in the morning David left the flock with a shepherd, loaded up and set out, as Jesse had directed."
It was a pretty mundane task set before him.
His father Jesse had asked David to bring some food to his older brothers and their commander who were fighting the Philistines with King Saul. He also wanted to know how things were going for his sons. David was serving his father by acting as a messenger; we might say - a gopher - nothing too glamorous or heroic about that job! David, like so many others in scripture we have looked at, was in a process of maturing for the destiny God had for him. Killing Goliath was not his destiny though it certainly propelled him along the way.
Some may have had David's biography stop there.
Songs were sung to honor him on that day but God knew he still had much more for this future king to grow through before he was, as God Himself had declared him to be, "...a man after my own heart..." Maybe today you are serving others in what you consider pretty 'mundane' ways. Take a lesson from King David and serve your brothers and sisters by faithfully carrying out the directions of your Father. Maybe David thought his day was simply nothing more than following his father's directions (and it was) but his heavenly Father had much more to unfold for him that day.
Remain faithful in the little things.
God sees you.
He is watching.
Faithfulness in the little things will help to propel you into the destiny God has for your life.

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