Monday, December 26, 2011

Rise, Shine and Give God the Glory!

“Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.”
Psalm 34:3

As I mentioned in a previous post, this Christmas day at ‘His Place’ we were given an opportunity to give God the glory and to rejoice with others who shared some of the things God has done in their lives in 2011. Below is the testimony shared by one individual. Won’t you rejoice with us in thanking God for what He is doing in their life?

"Baptized in the Holy Spirit, I have a better understanding of Gods direction for my life. I now want more of him in my life. I'm like a sponge now. I just want to know more. Have total faith in God, knowing He is always there no matter what I'm facing. I have faced a lot these past few years.

This will be my second year of tithing and being able to see the blessing from that. Financially God has amazingly been there for me. Bills that I couldn't pay would get paid. I am still in my house with no payments for more than three years (after my husband left me). When my cupboards where empty and I didn't know what was going to happen. God always provided. I don't have to go to the food cupboard anymore. My income hasn't changed and God has shown me so much of the unexplained happenings in my life.

I am badly hurt and I have faced many struggles in my life. Yet, God was there for me through it all. He was there through the anger. When I cried out to Him, he was there for me. God spoke words over my life through people and I saw myself walking through my difficulties. When I need help I call on God and He is always there.

There is a lot that I still await in the coming New Year. I have an excitement for what it is that God has prepared for me. I know God is making me a “new creation”. Every time I look at myself I'm different. I'm new in Him and through Him. What an awesome God we have! He allows us to have this renewal in our life.

I'm thankful that I didn't give up because there were many times I wanted to. I am thankful for the help from the pastors and their families and my church friends who have encouraged and built me up. Sometimes they may have been a little tired of hearing my problems. However none of you ever gave up on me, even when my own family did. You all stood there for me and my family that is a blessing in itself.

God is now first in my life and that will never change. I pray that I continue to stay on that narrow path. That is what I want for my life. I have been through many tests this past year and none of that could hinder the love I have for Christ. I'm proud to be in love with Jesus. He makes me happy when I wake up in the morning. He is three throughout my day and when I lay my head down at night.

I continue to pray and trust God to work out the areas I still have some struggles in. God is still working challenges out in my life and I thank Him for all he has done in 2011. I look forward to all that my God will accomplish with my life in this coming New Year."

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