Friday, December 30, 2011

Companionship in the New Year

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
II Corinthians 13:14

Was 2011 a banner year for you that has you hoping for a repeat in 2012 or was it a difficult twelve months that you are glad are over and do not soon want to repeat? Regardless of how you answered that question, I hope that in the lowest valley experiences and on the highest mountaintop joys you were able to learn, and take from each, what God desired you to have.
God has made every one of us unique, (yep, billions of people on the planet and no one quite like you!) but the struggles and the joys you may have been a part of this year are not. Most adults have faced a loss in the lives through the death of a loved one. Many marriages have ended in divorce. On the other end of the spectrum, someone else, like you, has landed that ‘perfect job’ or another mom has given birth to the ‘perfect baby’. As difficult or as wonderful as all the events of the past 365 days may have been, they were not spent alone.
Jesus promised us that He would never leave us and He would never forsake us.
He doesn’t disappear when things go wrong.
He is not a ‘fair weather friend’.
Neither does He suddenly appear, like all the long lost friends and relatives, who come out of the woodwork when you get the huge promotion, win a sweepstakes or are elected to an office.
As we leave 2011 and begin 2012 may you be diligent in acknowledging the presence of God in your life.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you recognize God’s work in the tough times and in the times when everything seems to be going well.
Both seasons are times when it can be easy to walk away from God.
Just remember, He will not walk away from you.

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