Thursday, July 9, 2015

Repairing the altar

Today's blog post is contributed by Denise Friedman:

Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes descended from Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying, “Your name shall be Israel.” – 1 Kings 18:31

After the difficult assignment from yesterday, we are ready to repair our altar today!  When we were challenged with this in our service Sunday, I was unclear exactly what this meant.  After spending some time with the Word researching this, I think I have a better understanding.  Do you remember a time when you were on fire for the Lord?  Perhaps you spent hours in His presence, seeking His face, asking what He wanted from you.  Perhaps, over time, this excitement seemed to fade, quieted by your business, His voice lost in distractions of each passing day. 

Sometimes repairs seem a bit overwhelming.  We see things as they are and remember how they once were.  It can feel impossible to ever restore back to what things once were.  Sometimes, it seems easier to just go out and replace with something new.

The good news is today is a day to turn back and repair what we have let fall into disrepair!  God is not asking us to create a new altar, he values the temple he originally gave to us.  Today, he wants to repair the temple, all we need to do is ask him.   Reread that sentence, today HE wants to repair the temple, all we need to do is ask him. 

Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a repentant heart.  Please forgive me for letting my altar to you fall into a state of disarray.  I call upon you Jesus, to repair all that is broken within me.  Rekindle the fire of your Holy Spirit that I may advance your Kingdom on earth.  Thank you for your faithfulness today and every day.  Amen!

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