Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In Turbulance, Trusting

 “This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
    he saved him out of all his troubles.”
Psalm 34:6

They say it is always darkest just before the dawn.
The Bible tells us in the second half of verse five of Psalm 30 that:
“…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
If you joined us on that plane ride in yesterday’s blog you recall that it was a very sunny day – at least above the clouds!
But that was not the case on the ground.
In our imaginary plane ride we needed to soar above the clouds to see the sunshine.
Usually, the only way to get above the clouds is by going through them.
That can mean a little turbulence.
Even for the routine air traveler, turbulence can be a bit unsettling.
Unless you are in the bumper cars at an amusement park, no one really enjoys a bumpy ride.
 This unease is magnified when you are a mile up in the air.
Sometimes you and I will experience clouds, darkness and weeping before we see the heavens opened above us.
In the same way that we surrender control of the flight to the pilot we can surrender control of our lives to God.
Once done, we trust them to bring us safely to our destination.
Though a human pilot may fail, for a host of reasons, our heavenly Father never will.
In turbulence trust Him!

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