Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The “D” Word

 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
Luke 2:52

“Discipline”; a word many love to hate.
After all, discipline takes all the spontaneity out of life, doesn’t it?
Not at all.
A disciplined life is not a boring life.
It is a life full of opportunities.
It is also a necessary ingredient in moving us from
spiritual babes to mature men and woman of God.
Listen to this definition of discipline:
“Training that develops self-control, character, or orderliness and efficiency.”
 From that definition it is safe to say that an undisciplined person
 lacks self-control and character and exhibits an inefficient life that is in disarray
Which would lead to maturity?
Of course, it is the disciplined life.
We need look no further than Jesus to realize the truth of that.
What we sometimes miss though is that Jesus was born as an
infant and had to learn discipline just as you and I do.
He was born the Son of God but that does not mean that he was born with some sort of a ‘divine silver spoon’ in his mouth.
Like any infant he would have been nursed on mothers’ milk but as a child and a young man he grew to be nourished on more substantial food.
Our verse for today speaks of Jesus growing and maturing.
That did not just ‘happen’ by the laying on of hands but through a disciplined life in which he cultivated a relationship with His heavenly Father
Good relationships don’t just happen – they are nourished.
Nourished and matured through disciplined lives!

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