Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Little Help Here?

"When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.
Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”
       John 11:43-44

I trust you will be blesses by todays' blog submission from Denise Friedman -

Let’s take a close look at Lazarus, bound in grave clothes in the illustration above.  He is indeed alive. However, notice he is still bound by the grave clothes in which he was buried, unable to move on his own.
Jesus gives the instruction “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”  He doesn’t expect or instruct Lazarus to remove these clothes of the “old man.”  He doesn’t expect or instruct the religious leaders to remove them.  He doesn’t tell everyone else to stand back while Jesus and his disciples remove them.  He delivers this instruction to those closest to Lazarus.  This would include his family members, including his sisters, Mary and Martha, as well as his close friends who were there to witness Lazarus’ resurrection.
Imagine being Mary or Martha and receiving this instruction.  Was there any hesitation to do what Jesus asked?  No, more than likely, Mary and Martha rejoiced at the opportunity to help their brother.  They probably were anxious to nd Martha rejoiced at the opportunity to help their brother, who had been dead several days and wawelcome him back.  Chances are, they couldn’t wait to remove those grave clothes and take a good, long look at their brother, who was now restored, renewed, ALIVE!
When we encounter new believers, who have cast aside the “old man”, and are a new creation in Christ, we too are commanded to help them “take off their grave clothes and let them go.”  How can we do this?  Perhaps the best thing we can do is to pray that new believers are protected against the ways and labels of the “old man.”  Intercede in order that they receive revelation, establish a love for God’s Word, and walk in the ways of God. Like Lazarus in the picture above, new believers are not going to be able to do this, nor should we expect them to do this, on their own. 
Is there a Lazarus in your life who is in need of prayer?  Ask God to bring this person to your mind today and commit to pray for this individual.  The Holy Spirit will guide with what their needs are so you can help them “take off the grave clothes.” 

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