Friday, March 1, 2013

Spiritual Mobility

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.”
Exodus 13:21
Stepping out into new places with God can be a bit intimidating.
It is necessary though as we learn to take risks with God.
Maybe you can you remember the first time you stepped out in worship and opened your mouth to join in the singing.
Maybe you love music so that was not a problem but how about the first time you shared your faith with another person?
Some steps are very difficult at first and only as we walk in them for a season do we become more comfortable with them.
Rest assured though, that as you become acclimated, God will challenge you in another area inviting you to step into something you have not done before.
He does this, not simply to keep us on our spiritual toes, but because He knows what creatures of habit we can become.
We gravitate toward the familiar and relax inside our ‘comfort zone’.
When we become so comfortable that we refuse to change or move with the Spirit of God, we miss all that God has for us to do.   
The story of the Children of Israel in the wilderness can demonstrate for us this picture of ‘spiritual mobility’.
They were to follow the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
When it moved they broke camp to follow.
They could disobediently stay behind I suppose but if they did there was no guarantee of Gods’ protection, provision and presence.
That would be a very lonely place indeed; giving new meaning to the term ‘wilderness’!
God will invite you to step into new places with Him.
To be obedient requires you to step out of the old, the familiar, and the comfortable.
To be obedient will mean taking a risk.
Open your mouth and sing.
Lift up your hands and praise.
Offer to pray for that cynical uncle who is on his death bed.
Let God lead you into the new places He has for you.

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