Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Peter Gets Homework Following His Denial

“But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.
And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:32
Today is the first day of Spring around these parts.
It doesn’t look much like it though.
Snow on the ground, wind chill indexes are still part of the weather forecast
and trees are barren.
But the first sighting of a robin offers a glimmer of hope that Spring is indeed on its way.
It is not uncommon when you fail to begin to pile on with thoughts of gloom and despair.
Before you know it, hope is as scarce as a 60 degree day in March for Western, N.Y.  
So how do you overcome the tendency of the flesh to focus on the failure?
Well, there are lots of ways but let’s look at one in particular today.  
Would you agree that God knows what He is doing?
“Of course He does”, you say.
But that may not be your attitude when failure is staring you in the face or just kicked your butt.
You see, at those times it is most important that we follow Gods’ counsel and stay connected.
We must stay connected to Him and to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“Well”, you say “my friends are direct descendants of Jobs’ friends!”
“They are not exactly founding members of Encouragers Unlimited”
That doesn’t give you permission to isolate yourself.
At these times it is especially important to remain connected to others.
The only season more likely to cause you to drift away from God than a season of failure is a season of success.
At both times you especially need the Body of Christ to support you in prayer, encourage you in your walk and offer hope for the future God has for you!
You’re usually the strong one?
Then in the midst of your pain, serve others and in so doing you will find strength to continue.
Peter denied Christ three times but he didn’t pack his bags and move to Rome!
As a matter of fact, as Jesus was telling Peter that he would deny Him, He also extended hope to Him.
“…when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
But it was more than hope, more than just a command from Jesus to be an encourager.
It was also a command to stay connected in spite of failure!
If you fail, don’t hand the enemy a victory by separating yourself from others.
When you fail – stay connected!
Let’s do one better – when you fail, increase your fellowship and don’t let anything or anyone disconnect you!  

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