Monday, March 18, 2013

Peter Surrenders The ‘Net Profits’

“Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Luke 5:10b-11

The men who fished for a living had fished all night and caught nothing; zero; nada.
There were no ‘fish stories’ they could tell that day – or maybe that’s all they had – stories – because the reality was not as kind to them as a little bit of fiction could be.
Now this one called Jesus was asking them to go fishing?
Where, oh pray tell, did he learn to fish?
Peter had failed miserably that previous night but, still, he didn’t want to disappoint the man of God.
Only when it was apparent that their boat, as well as the boat of their partners, might actually sink because of the great haul of fish did it dawn on Peter that maybe, just maybe, there was more to this Jesus than he first understood.  
After all, wasn’t Peter the expert and wasn’t Jesus just along for the ride?
Maybe not.
Could it be instead that Peter’s failure, when handed over to Jesus became God’s opportunity to transform his life?
And if that was true – could it hold true for you and I as well?
What would happen, what could happen in your life if, instead of holding on to your failure, you surrendered it to the Lord?
Is it possible that you, like Peter, might turn and follow Jesus, leaving everything else behind?
Isn’t that how transformation begins?
Following Jesus no matter the cost!
You see, compared to discovering who Jesus was, the largest fishing success of their lives meant nothing.  
Peter’s failure proved far more fruitful in the hands of God than he could ever have imagined.
Yours can too.
But you have to surrender it to Him first.
Sometimes we hold on so tight with both hands to our failures than we are unable to take the hand of God.   
Surrender your failures to God so He can turn them into opportunities to transform your life!

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