Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I Anoint You King…Now, Hold That Thought!

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1

Why would we expect that David would have anything worthwhile to say about waiting?
Can you think of a time when David had to wait on God for anything?
How about the time between his anointing by Samuel to be king and the fulfillment of that word?
David had to wait about 15 years.
Don’t kid yourself though; these were not quiet, peaceful years when all David had to do was meditate on the projects he would complete once he was King!
They were years of waiting but they were years filled with turmoil, battles, threats and attempts against David’s life.
They were certainly years that could have given David pause as to whether or not Samuel the Prophet had heard God in the first place when he anointed David.
There was ample opportunity to question God while he was waiting and few would have begrudged him if he did.
And yet David did wait and he persevered even so far as to not raise a hand against Saul when Saul repeatedly tried to have him killed.
He waited for God to fulfill what God had proclaimed and he would not raise his hand against Gods anointed knowing that God was well able to do what He said He would do without David intervening. 
So I would propose to you that it is fair to say that David had an authoritative platform to stand on when he spoke of waiting.
So much so, that we have good reason to listen to what he has to say about waiting.
 It is interesting that David did not simply write: “I waited for the Lord”, but rather he says “I waited patiently for the Lord!”
That word ‘patiently’ makes all the difference.
We all know there is patient waiting, but how about inpatient waiting?
Which one are you better at?
What are some expressions we use or some examples of inpatient waiting?
How about:
The sarcastic statement: Hurry up and wait!
Or…maybe you’ve heard this one?
“God I want patience and I want it now!”
Parents can certainly appreciate this next example…
“Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?”
Maybe you spoke this next inpatient statement on your last vacation or business trip:
“I wish they would hurry up and land this thing!”
Here’s the impatient husbands’ declaration as he waits in the car:
“What is taking her so long?”
David never expressed this kind of attitude in his wait.
He waited in calm expectation and earnest hopefulness.
It is a wait accompanied by the Peace of God.
When you wait on God, is that waiting accompanied by His peace?
Ask God to help you today to wait patiently and with His peace!

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