Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Home is Where the Heart Is

“…the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands…”
Acts 7:48
“Home is where the heart is.”
The Lord brought this expression to mind this morning.
In scripture the ‘heart’ is often used to describe our seat of affections, i.e., where our affections, our love, is focused.
Where is your heart today?
Is it focused on four walls, a roof and a floor or is it focused on Him?
So often today we use the word ‘church’ merely to speak of the bricks and mortar
The Bible speaks of church as the ‘called out’ ones.
I believe God is calling His true church out of the brick and mortar into the public squares and marketplaces of the world.
Of course we need to assemble together as encouraged in the Word but as we do remember this:
It is the assembled people who are the church.
There are likely not any ‘church’ buildings still in existence today dating from the 1st century.
But His church, not made with human hands, is very much alive and active in the earth today!
Where is your heart today?
Where do your affections lie?
Are they in a building, a place, an address?
Or are they with the one who made heaven and earth?
Is your affection given to a place or a person?
A construct or a Creator?

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