Friday, October 10, 2014

Every Six Steps

Today's blog post is contributed by David Trotta:

When those who were carrying the ark of the Lord had taken six steps, he sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf. (2 Samuel 6:13)

Imagine that!  King David so revered the Lord that he sacrificed a bull every six steps while transporting the ark of God’s presence. David wanted to be absolutely sure that he was honoring and worshiping God every step of the journey.

Now, I don’t know how far it was from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David, but regardless of the distance, that was an incredible act of sacrificial worship on David’s part and a strong declaration of his desire to honor God.

Let me suggest that we too are an ark of sorts, because as God moved from the Old Testament to the New Testament, He chose to no longer dwell in physical structures, but instead, He chose to make His home in our hearts through Jesus.  We are God’s New Testament arks, because we carry the presence of God everywhere we go.

Now, with that said, let’s take that a step further (pun intended).  What if we made a conscious effort to pause continually as we step throughout our journey to acknowledge the Lord as David did?  It doesn’t have to be anything lengthy.  Maybe just a quick glance of our inward eyes toward heaven or a quick thought that says “I love you” or “be thou exalted.”

If we developed the habit of doing that, can you imagine the incredible awareness of God that would follow us throughout the day?  We would be in constant communion with God, which would have a big impact on our lives and the lives of those around us.

The Bible encourages us to “continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15).  David put that truth into practice many years ago on his journey from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David.  Will you join me in doing the same while we carry the presence of God on our journey through life?

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