Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bringing the Holy Spirit into the Equation

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.…”
II Corinthians 3:18

Remember those simple equations in math?
There was always an expected outcome wasn’t there?
You had the task of solving the equation  - 1+1= X
We all remember “X”.
Here is something else you must remember-
If you’re going to thrive in a season of transition then what you need to remember is God has a desired outcome for every transition in your life.
We are not called to surrender to a “what will be, will be” moment
As we got older the equations in math got harder.
Solving for “X” wasn’t as simple as one plus one anymore.
As you grow in your relationship with God the seasons of transition may seem longer and harder.
It is during those seasons you must remind yourself – He has a plan for me, for us.
It is not luck, coincidence or chance that happens in our lives if you belong to Him.
He is bringing you through this transition and transforming you in the process.
A fully surrendered believer will come out the other side looking a little more like Christ.
A believer who handles transitions kicking and screaming?
A little less so!
A believer who refuses the transition?
Your own image is intact.
At great expense!
You have refused the opportunity to be changed “…from glory to glory…”
 Let’s walk through this season together with the understanding that He is in control. He has a plan and a desired outcome.
It brings hope and it brings purpose in the midst of transition.
Best of all it brings the Holy Spirit into the equation!

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