Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Why Obscure Cana?


“On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee.

Jesus’ mother was there,”

John 2:1


As many may already be aware, the wedding feast in Cana was where Jesus performed his first miracle.

Cana was in an obscure part of the region of Galilee.

If the purpose of Jesus’ miracle was to draw attention to

himself he certainly couldn’t have picked a worst location.

To be sure, he would have been better served to

turn the water into wine in Jerusalem.

Surely that would have drawn a much bigger crowd.

But crowd size was not a consideration for Jesus.

This goes right to the question of his motivation.

Jesus did not have as a primary goal garnering the attention of men.

He sought always to do the will of his Father in heaven.

When that same motivation moves us to action, there is no limit to what we can accomplish for God.

When our focus is squarely on pleasing the Father, the opinions of man or the size of the audience we command will carry very little weight with us.

Let that be your motivation when you wake up in the morning.

Ask this question:

Father, how can I please you today?

As you set about doing just that don’t be surprised by the joy that accompanies your actions!





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