Monday, March 15, 2021

His Voice


“To Him who rides in the highest heavens, the ancient heavens,

Behold, He sends out His voice, a mighty and majestic voice.”

Psalm 68:3


In his book titled “Hearing God” the author Dallas Willard had this to say concerning God’s individual dealings with people:

If we consider the startling array of biblical personalities from Adam to the Apostles Paul and John, we behold the millennia-long saga of God’s invading human personality and history on a one-to-one basis. There is nothing general or secondhand about the divine encounters with Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Nehemiah, Mary and Peter.

So when you stop and think about the fact that God is no respecter of persons, can we not include our own names in that list?

Certainly scripture teaches us that Gods’ desire is intimate fellowship with man.

That is not limited to those in the past whose names and stories are chronicled in His word.

God desires intimate fellowship with you!

Let that sink in for a moment.

Too many of God’s children are content with an arms-length relationship.

But that is not why God created you.

We are even told that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

The first step is up to us.

Will you draw near today and listen for His voice?





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