Friday, March 5, 2021

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous...”

Joshua 1:9a



We all know that physical strength comes from exercising our muscles and building them up through strength conditioning.

We also know that any wanna-be weightlifter would be more than foolish to go into a gym and attempt to lift the equivalent of his body weight on day one.

He must start out slowly, gradually building up his strength and endurance.

He must also be faithful and disciplined in maintaining that workout regimen.

And a personal trainer to guide him through the process wouldn’t hurt either!

The same is true as we consider the advice given to Joshua and apply it to our own spiritual strength conditioning program.

Strength comes through cultivating a regular time of prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit.

The old saying goes – “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

 You are not born again on Tuesday and fully mature on Wednesday.

Let the Holy Spirit take you to the gym and be your personal trainer.

Seek and obey His counsel and little by little you will grow in those areas that matter for eternity.

Rome truly wasn’t built in a day and neither are you!


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