Thursday, March 18, 2021

Kingdom Labor


“My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth

until Christ is formed in you,”

Galatians 4:19

Preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles was not just a ‘job’ to Paul.

He was set apart by God exactly for that purpose.

As clearly as Peter was sent to the Jews, Paul was passionate about his call to the ‘heathen’ or ‘pagan’ peoples.

His was a labor of love for those he ministered to both before and after their conversion.  

He had invested much in them and cared deeply for those who came to know Christ that each and every one of them should continue to grow in their walk.

As much as we are able, we should nurture those whom we lead to the Lord to disciple them and help them mature in their walk.

Don’t be guilty of taking the attitude of:

“Well, I told them, now my job is over – it’s up to the Holy Spirit.

To be sure the Holy Spirit has an essential role in all of our growth but we also play a part even as Paul did.

Let your labors in Christ bring forth fruit that remains.

There is no greater investment we can make than coming along others in the faith to strengthen, encourage and build them up.

When is the task complete?

When you hear those words:

“Well done thou good and faithful servant...”

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