Monday, March 8, 2021

An Essential Component


“We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi,

as you know...we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition.”

I Thessalonians 2:2


Look closely at the verse above,

Do you see those three little dots in the middle of the verse?

They represent a missing section of the text which,

in the case of this particular verse, are the key to what must happen

in order for the Apostle to dare to

share the Gospel in the face of strong opposition.

Now I could make you look up the verse but let me just give you the key words.

They are:

“...but with the help of our God...”

It is essential in presenting the Gospel that we partner with the Holy Spirit.

Without Him drawing men and woman we face an impossible task.

Whether there is strong opposition or the favor of those we are presenting the message to, we still labor in vain when we labor in our own strength.

            Are you sharing the Gospel at home, at school, at work or in the marketplace?

Don’t be foolish and fail to invite the Holy Spirit to order your steps and to give you the words to speak.

But most importantly, to lead you to those He is drawing.

Jesus said in John 15 and verse 5:

“...apart from me, you can do nothing.”

Today, don’t endeavor to do the work of the Kingdom without the partnering of the Holy Spirit of the Kingdom!


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