Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Taking on the Day with Encouragement

Would you rather have someone fighting for you or against you?

Maybe you think: “Either way I’m engaged in a fight so – no difference?”

To others it seems like an easy enough question to answer – the fewer fighting against me the better and the more fighting with me is a distinct advantage!

Now suppose the enemy or ally joining you in the fight was your own character?

Huh? What am I talking about?

Proverbs 13:16 tells us:

“Righteousness guards the man of integrity,

but wickedness overthrows the sinner.”

There it is!

To put it in New Covenant terms, there is a protection –

a bodyguard if you will – to those who are ‘in Christ’ (righteous) that is not available to those who are not.

But didn’t Job in the Old Testament and Paul in the New Testament suffer some terrible things in their lives?

Yes they did.

We are not immune from troubles but none of those troubles can separate us from the love of God that is available to us through Jesus Christ.

His righteousness covers us like a coat of armor – a bodyguard that protects and keeps us.

You and I will face trials, struggles and tests to be sure.

But none of these things can move us out of that safe position in Christ.

His righteousness keeps us protected in that relationship with the Father.

What a tremendous encouragement when we go to take on whatever today brings us!

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